
Your specialized staff will handle any inquiries with a prompt and efficient answer. Please do not hesitate to consult.

    Q1 Have you already advanced into Japan?

    YesNoNo but researching to advance
    In case replied 3, where is an area considered as an advance area? (Multiple answers allowed)
     ※Area of others

    Q2 Type of business form in Japan? (Including your idea)

    Representative officeBranch officeSubsidiary companyUndecided

    Q3 On the occasion of an advance in Japan, what is the condition given priority to?

    IncentivesAccessThe preparation (BCP measures) to emergency such as disastersSecuring of employment(employee)Living environmentOthers
    ※Condition of others

    Q4 If there is a question, on the occasion of an advance in Japan,please fill it out.

    【 Input information of the person 】  *required
    Company/Organization Name*


    Industry or Field*

    Name of incharge*


    Phone number*
