In April 2005, Hyogo Prefecture/Kobe City established the Hyogo-Kobe Investment Support Center at the Hyogo-Kobe Economic Development Center to provide comprehensive consulting and support services for establishing businesses.
The Hyogo-Kobe Investment Support Center supports the establishment or expansion of your business into the Hyogo/Kobe area.

Topic:Practical Application of Regenerative Medicine Using iPS Cells from Kobe
Topic:Kobe, home of flourishing life-science studies, is optimum for pharmaceutical research
The Hyogo-Kobe Investment Support Center supports the establishment or expansion of your business into the Hyogo/Kobe area.

Issue in March,2016 Vol.20

Topic:Kobe, home of flourishing life-science studies, is optimum for pharmaceutical research
2015.11 Vol.19
Topic:Enhancing the Business Base and Promoting BCPs
Topic:One-Stop Service Supporting Domestic and Foreign Companies’Expansion into Hyogo -
2015.3 Vol.18
Topic:Selecting Kobe Because of its Abundant Medical-related Infrastructure and Human Resources
Topic:Enhancing Ocean Freight Service Based at Kobe Port,
a Key Japan Hub for European Shipping -
2014.7 Vol.17
Topic: Deciding Factors: Greenery-Rich Natural Environment and Convenient Access
2014.3 Vol.16
Topic: High Productivity, Diversity and Living Environment for Employees
Topic: Living Climate Favored by Foreign Cultures -
2013.8 Vol.15
Topic:Hyogo-Kobe Challenges to the World with Underpinned Quality,Innovativeness and Uniqueness in Manufacturing
2013.3 Vol.14
Topic: ACCJ Hyogo ForumVitalizing Japan through Kansai !
Topic: Hyogo-Kobe comes up with various prominence in tourism -
2013.2 Vol.13
Company in Hyogo: Nestlé Japan Limited
Topic: Abundant nature, weather climate and history, all the diverse tastes Hyogo-Kobe offers -
2012.2 Vol.12
Company in Hyogo: Eurocopter Japan T&E Co., Ltd.
Topic: Integrated logistics hub for land, sea and air transport -
2012.2 Vol.11
Company in Hyogo: Eli Lilly Japan K.K.
Topic: Supercomputer “K” -
2011.3 Vol.10
Company in Hyogo: Umicore Japan K.K.
Topic: Next-generation energy-related industries -
2010.3 Vol.9
Company in Hyogo: Beauty & Health Innovation
Topic: “”Hyogo-Kobe “” area data -
2009.3 Vol.8
Company in Hyogo: Kobe Pharma Research Institute, Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim Co., Ltd.
Topic: The Kobe Medical Industry Development Area -
2008.3 Vol.7
Company in Hyogo: ALSTOM K.K.
Topic: Environmental business in Hyogo prefecture -
2007.8 Vol.6
Company in Hyogo: Shanghai Rundo Biotech Japan Co., Ltd.
Topic: The World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention in Kobe -
2007.3 Vol.5
Company in Hyogo: “BMW Group Academy Kobe”
Topic: The “Hyogo/Kobe Investment Support Center”, a one stop shop for advisory services -
2007.2 Vol.4
Topic: Harima Science Garden City, Sring-8 and XFEL -
2007.1 Vol.3
Company in Hyogo: DiaSys Japan K.K.
Topic: The Kobe Medical Industry Development Project -
2006.3 Vol.2
Company in Hyogo: Matsushita Plasma Display Panel Ltd.
Topic: “Hyogo-Kobe Investment Support Center” one year following its establishment -
2006.2 Vol.1
Company in Hyogo: Alico Japan
Topic: The Kobe Airport “MARINE AIR”